Plans Starting at $39.95

We'll Give you So Many New Reasons to Smile

With Complete Care Dental, you have the freedom to choose any dentist. Or use one of our preferred providers for 100% coverage after a small $20 co-pay. There are more than 109,000 preferred dental locations nationwide.
Or you can use any dentist anywhere covered at 90% with a $25 co-pay for preventive services, and 50% with $25 co-pay for basic services. So you have the freedom to choose any Dentist with NO waiting period. Major services need to be preformed by an in network dentist.

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Retail $99.95

OUR PRICE: $59.95

or FREE with first-time enrollment

VSP Vision Care

Why enroll in VSP? We invest in the things you value most - the best care at the lowest out-of-pocket costs. Because we're the only national not-for-profit vision care company, you can trust that we'll always put your wellness first.

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